CfP: the 46th Annual Conference on African Linguistics.

shahars shahars at
Tue Aug 5 18:51:49 UTC 2014

With apologies for cross-postings.

Dear all,

The 2015 Annual Conference on African Linguistics (ACAL 46) will be held 
at the University of Oregon (Eugene), March 26-28, 2015. Please see the 
website at .

The ACAL conference deals with all aspects of the linguistics of African 
languages, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, 
information structure, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, areal 
linguistics, and language planning and policy. Confirmed plenary 
speakers for the 2015 meeting are:

* Dr. Lee Bickmore, SUNY-Albany
* Dr. Roderic Casali, Trinity Western University
* Dr. Kweku Osam, University of Ghana

In addition to GENERAL-SESSION ABSTRACTS, we encourage ACAL members to 
consider organizing topic-specific WORKSHOPS. Workshop organizers should 
submit a one-page workshop description along with a list of paper titles 
and presenters. The deadline for the submission of WORKSHOP PROPOSALS is 
November 3rd, with notification of acceptance/rejection for the workshop 
given to the workshop organizers by November 17th. Once accepted, the 
workshop organizers will be requested to invite their participants to 
submit their full abstracts by December 8th. These full abstracts will 
be evaluated individually by the local UO organizing committee.

ABSTRACTS: All abstracts should be written in English with glosses or 
translations for words or examples in any other language. Each abstract, 
including the title and any data in figures or tables, should not exceed 
500 words. The 500-word abstract should be single-spaced and in a font 
no smaller than 11 point. Outside the body of the abstract, please 
indicate session the paper is being submitted to (general session, 
poster session, or name of workshop).

The deadline for both general-session abstracts and individual workshop 
abstracts is December 8th, with notification of acceptance by 
mid-January, 2015.

Workshop proposals and abstract submissions should be sent by email to 
acal.oregon.2014 at, with the word “Abstract” or “Workshop” and 
your last name in the subject line. Submissions should be in both PDF 
format, and Microsoft Word formats (e.g. .DOC, .DOCX) or .RTF. In the 
body of the email message please include the following information:

     Full Name
     Email Address
     Abstract Title

Conference co-chairs,
Doris Payne, Ph.D.
Mokaya Bosire, Ph.D.
(acal.oregon.2015 at

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