Hangout On Air with Nobelist Randy Schekman, Inventor Jack Andraka, and Neuroscientist Jody Culham
Randy LaPolla
randy.lapolla at
Fri Feb 7 13:15:50 UTC 2014
> From: Jennifer McLennan <staff at>
> Subject: Hangout On Air with Nobelist Randy Schekman, Inventor Jack Andraka, and Neuroscientist Jody Culham
> Date: February 6, 2014 10:05:43 PM GMT+08:00
> Reply-To: Jennifer McLennan <staff at>
> On February 13, 2014, at 2PM Eastern time/7PM GMT, please join eLife for an online panel discussion on how scientists can change science publishing and research assessment.
> In December, eLife Editor-in-chief Randy Schekman called for an end to the scientific community’s dependence on high-profile journals and their impact factors as a measure of the quality of research. His comments were published in The Guardian on the day he accepted the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Dr. Schekman’s challenge has inspired wide conversation and debate and was followed up by a second editorial, in The Conversation, where he offered specific actions that scientists could take to improve research assessment.
> On February 13, eLife will host a panel discussion to explore in more depth the implications of Dr. Schekman’s proposals for today’s scientists and what the future of science publishing really could be, if freed from existing constraints. He will be joined by:
>> Jack Andraka, 17 year-old inventor, scientist, and cancer researcher, whose research on the open Web inspired his design of a new cancer detection method.
>> Jody Culham, Professor of Psychology at Western University in Canada and eLife reviewing editor for neuroscience.
> To participate, please join eLife on Google+. A Google+ account is not required; the broadcast will be free and open.
> The eLife Hangout On Air on science publishing and research assessment
> Thursday, February 13, 2014
> 2PM Eastern | 7PM GMT
> We'll look forward to hosting you!
> Best wishes,
> Jennifer
> ------------------------------
> Jennifer McLennan
> Head of Marketing & Communications
> +44 1223 855375 (o)
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