3rd Call for Papers: Eighth International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG-8/3.9-6.9.2014)

Thomas Hoffmann thhoffma at uni-osnabrueck.de
Tue Feb 18 10:59:11 UTC 2014

3rd Call for Papers: ICCG-8 “Construction Sites ‑ Perimeters, Problems 
and Properties”

Full Title: Eighth International Conference on Construction Grammar
Short Title: ICCG-8
Date: 3-Sep-2014 - 6-Sep-2014
Location: Osnabrueck, Germany
Contact Person: Thomas Hoffmann
Meeting Email: thomas.hoffmann at uos.de

Web Site: http://www.blogs.uos.de/iccg8

We are pleased to announce the third call for papers for the Eighth 
International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG-8), which will be 
held at the University of Osnabrück, Germany on September 3-6, 2014.

At this stage, we would particularly like to draw attention to our 
“Special session on Sign-Based Construction Grammar: A Tribute to Ivan 
A. Sag” (for more details see below and 
for which we still accept submissions of abstracts.

Over the last few decades, the view of grammar as a mental network of 
constructions has received great empirical support by independent 
research on first (e.g. Tomasello 2003; Diessel 2013) and second 
language acquisition (Ellis 2013), psycho- (Bencini 2013), as well as 
neurolinguistics (Pulvermüller, Shtyrov, Cappelle 2013). Moreover, 
constructional approaches have also provided important new insight into 
the diachronic evolution of languages (see Fried 2013; Barðdal 2013; 
Hilpert 2013), as well as sociolinguistic (Croft 2009; Hollmann 2013) 
and dialectal or discourse variation (Östman and Trousdale 2013). Yet, 
despite this wealth of previous research there is still much 
constructional work to be done and many questions to be addressed. Like 
all its predecessors (Berkeley, CA (2001), Helsinki (2002), Marseille 
(2004), Tokyo (2006), Austin, TX (2008), Prague (2010) and Seoul 
(2012)), the present conference is therefore going to provide an 
international forum for promoting discussion and collaboration among all 
linguists interested in constructional research and its various models 
and applications.

Furthermore, the conference will allow us to celebrate the publication 
of the first Handbook of Constructions Grammar (Oxford University Press 
2013) as well as the ten year anniversary of the open-access online 
journal Constructions 

At the same time, it will also provide us with an opportunity to honour 
the life and achievements of two brilliant scholars and wonderful human 
beings: Charles J. Fillmore (1929-2014) and Ivan A. Sag (1949-2013). In 
honour of their life and work, ICCG8 will host two special sessions 
(http://www.blogs.uni-osnabrueck.de/iccg8/special-sessions/) dedicated 
to fields of constructional research that each of them initiated, shaped 
and defined:

- a FrameNet special session on “Constructionist Resources” in honour of 
Charles J. Fillmore
(click here for details: 
[submissions closed]

- a SBCG special session on “Sign-Based Construction Grammar” in honour 
of Ivan A. Sag
(click here for details: 

Conference organizers:
Thomas Hoffmann & Alexander Bergs (chairs)
Claudia Lehmann
Meike Pentrel
Nadja Hekal

Confirmed plenary speakers:
· Peter Auer (University of Freiburg)
· Hans Boas (University of Texas at Austin)
· William Croft (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque)
· Miriam Fried (Charles University in Prague)
· Laura Michaelis (University of Colorado Boulder)
· Graeme Trousdale (Edinburgh University)
· Mark Turner (Case Western Reserve University)

Special Sessions

FrameNet special session on “Constructionist Resources” in honour of 
Charles J. Fillmore: Constructionist Resources

SBCG special session on “Sign-Based Construction Grammar” in honour of 
Ivan A. Sag


Category Change from a Constructional Perspective
Organizers: Muriel Norde & Kristel Van Goethem

Modelling the mechanisms: Challenges and aims for usage-based 
computational models of grammatical development
Organizers: Barend Beekhuizen, Stewart McCauley, Rens Bod, Morten 
Christiansen & Arie Verhagen

Construction Grammar and Language Contact
Organizers: Hans C. Boas & Steffen Höder

Computational Construction Grammar
Organizers: Remi van Trijp & Luc Steels

Modelling Genre/Register in Grammar:Constructions, Frames or Both?
Organizers: Kerstin Fischer and Kiki Nikiforidou

Abstract submission
Abstracts are invited for 20 minute presentations (plus 10 minute 
discussion). We welcome papers on any aspect of linguistic analysis, 
synchronic or diachronic, that is concerned with grammatical 
constructions and/or semantic frames. These include papers on issues in 
all areas of constructional or frame-semantic research, including 
syntax, morphology, semantics, pragmatics, cognitive and interactional 
aspects of linguistic structure, language variation and change, language 
typology, corpus linguistics, language acquisition and learning, etc.

Submissions to the special session on “Sign-Based Construction Grammar” 
in honour of Ivan A. Sag should include “SBCG special session” in their 
abstract title.

Abstracts should not be longer than 1 page and should not exceed 400 
words (excluding references). Since all submissions will be reviewed 
anonymously, all author-specific information must be avoided.

Abstract reviewing is handled via EasyAbs, so please submit your 
abstract online to


Important dates
The new deadline for receipt of abstracts: March 1, 2014
Notification of acceptance: March 31, 2014
Program announcement: April 1, 2014
Early registration deadline: July 15, 2014
For general questions about the conference, please write to 
thomas.hoffmann at uos.de


Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoffmann

Editor of Constructions

Latest Books:
T. Hoffmann and G. Trousdale, eds. 2013. The Oxford Handbook of Construction Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

T. Hoffmann. 2011. Preposition Placement in English: A Usage-based Approach. (Studies in English Language.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (IfAA)
Fachbereich 7
Universitaet Osnabrueck
Neuer Graben 40
D-49069 Osnabrueck

Tel: +49 541 969 4067
Fax: +49 541 969 4738


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