CILC2014 Abstract Submission extended - International Conference on Corpus Linguistics
Francisco Alonso Almeida
falonso at
Mon Jan 27 14:59:37 UTC 2014
Dear colleagues,
It is our pleasure to inform you that, in response to a number of entreaties from prospective participants, we have extended the paper submission deadline for the CILC2014 (International Conference on Corpus Linguistics) until February 6th, 2014. Note that there will be no more deadline extensions after this date.
Please recall that the CILC2014 will be held at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gran Canaria, May 22 – May 24, 2014.
The Call for Submissions is here:
Best wishes
Francisco Alonso
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
AELINCO (Spanish Association of Corpus Linguistics)
Queridos compañeros y compañeras:
Por la presente, les comunico que el plazo de recepción de propuestas para participar en el VI Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus, CIL2014, se amplía hasta el próximo 6 de febrero de 2014. Encontrarán información al respecto en el vínculo siguiente:
Un saludo cordial,
Francisco Alonso
AELINCO (Asociación Española de Lingüística de Corpus)
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