Discourse deixis vs. anaphora

Hartmut Haberland hartmut at ruc.dk
Sat Jul 12 15:22:20 UTC 2014

I think one of the original suggestions to distinguish between Discourse deixis and anaphora was in Ehlich's 1979 study of deixis and anaphora in Biblical Hebrew, where they are lexically distinguished. (The book is in German, but here is a link to my review in English from the Nordic Journal  of Linguistics; hope the link works.)


A Danish newspaper had some years ago a headline (about the writer Kurtz Tucholsky), Manden som elskede Tyskland of som hadede det, which is (possibly unintentionally) ambiguous in Danish, but not in a translation into English: The man who loved Germany and who hated that/it.
(That can also be combined with a Pointing gesture - deixis - while anaphoric it cannot.) More examples (e.g. from Icelandic) in my review.
Ehlich's analysis of Hebrew has been contested, I know, and maybe the ambiguity of Danish det can be explained otherwise, but the distinction makes some sense in a typological framework.
Hartmut Haberland

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