Second Call-for-Papers: 27th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics

Danjie Su danjiesu at
Tue Oct 7 01:06:57 UTC 2014

Dear colleagues,

Please allow me to bring to your kind attention the second Call-for-Papers
of the 27th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (April 3-5,
2015, University of California, Los Angeles).

We look forward to meeting / seeing you at the conference.


Danjie Su

PhD Candidate

Asian Languages and Cultures


Los Angeles, CA 90095
danjiesu at

*The 27th N**orth American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (N**ACCL-27)*


The 27th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-27) will
be held at the University of California, Los Angeles, April 3-5, 2015.

*Abstract submission: **Sunday, November 16, 2014*

The theme of the conference is  *Integrating Chinese Linguistic Research
with Language Teaching*.  While papers addressing issues in all aspects of
Chinese linguistics are welcome - as part of the NACCL tradition, the
conference organizers give priority to two types of papers for presentation
at NACCL-27:

1) Linguistic research cast with pedagogical implications;

2) Teaching and learning studies raising important issues for linguistic

*Keynote Speakers*

We are pleased to have Professors Chengzhi Chu of the University of
California, Davis and Professor Audrey Li of the University of Southern
California as our keynote speakers.


1) A pre-conference workshop for language teachers is being planned. Stay
tuned as more information becomes available.

2) A special workshop on the* Art of Teaching Chinese Linguistics to
undergraduates at North American colleges* will be held during the
conference. Confirmed invited panelists so far include:

   - Marjorie Chan, Ohio State University
   - Yea-Fen Chen, Indiana University, Bloomington
   - Chengzhi Chu, UC Davis
   - San Duanmu, University of Michigan
   - Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, University of Oregon
   - Audrey Li, University of Southern California
   - Yen-Hwei Lin, Michigan State University
   - Feng-hsi Liu, University of Arizona
   - Lening Liu, Columbia University
   - Chaofen Sun, Stanford University
   - Liang Tao, Ohio University
   - Tianwei Xie, California State University, Long Beach
   - Zhiqun Xing, Western Washington University
   - Hongming Zhang, University of Wisconsin, Madison

*Abstract submission*

   - Abstracts are invited for 30 minute presentations (including

   - Abstracts no longer than a single page should be submitted to the
   conference email address: naccl27.ucla at (i.e.
   NACCL27.UCLA at GMAIL.COM <naccl27.ucla at>). Only electronic
   submissions are accepted;

   - The abstract should be in either plain text format or in MS Word

   - In the abstract, please give 2-3 keywords to identify some general
   research areas, e.g. phonetics/phonology, grammar, lexicon, semantics,
   discourse, pragmatics, corpus linguistics, historical linguistics,
   sociolinguistics, technology, character learning, teaching models,
   assessment, teaching materials, heritage language, teacher-student
   interaction, and so forth;

   - The abstract should have a cover page with the title of the paper, 2-3
   keywords (see above), author's name, affiliation, contact information
   (including email). The abstract page should be anonymous without any
   identifiable author information.

*Key Deadlines*

   - *Abstract submission: **Sunday, November 16, 2014*.

   - Notice of acceptance: December 20, 2014

*Conference Website & Contact*

Conference website:


*Hongyin Tao*

*Department of Asian Languages and Cultures*

*University of California, Los Angeles*

*290 Royce Hall*

*Los Angeles, CA 90095-1504*


*Email: **naccl27.ucla at* <naccl27.ucla at>* /*
* NACCL27.UCLA at GMAIL.COM* <naccl27.ucla at>

*Tel: +1 (310) 794-8933 <%2B1%20%28310%29%20794-8933>*

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