
Mary Bucholtz bucholtz at TAMU.EDU
Mon Feb 8 21:31:19 UTC 1999

Dear all,

Here is the proposed agenda for the next six months (or so). We have tried
to integrate everyone's suggestions as well as add other items that seemed
important to include.  Please take a minute to:

- verify that any agenda items you proposed are listed and accurately
reflect what you had in mind (e.g., does it make sense to discuss it where
it's currently listed?)
- see whether there are other issues/sub-issues that you'd like to include
- get an idea of the structure of the whole discussion, so that we can
address each item systematically

The floor is open for proposed changes to the agenda from today until Wed.
evening. All proposed changes will be included in the revised agenda. We'll
then present a final agenda to the list for approval by all subscribers.
And then we can get down to talking about the issues. We'll propose a
timeline for each agenda item as we go, with flexibility for ending
discussions early or extending them as needed.

This agenda will no doubt be revised as the discussion develops, but at
least it will provide an initial map of where we're going.


Kira, Mary, Megan, Monica, and Sara
1. Philosophy/Nature/Principles of GALA

a. What will happen when the six months are over? How (generally speaking)
will the issues proposed in this discussion be implemented?

b. Purpose of professionalization and of GALA
i. What are the organization's general goals?
ii. Will the organization be mostly virtual or a nonprofit entity with
funded activities?

c. Philosophy
i. Relation to feminism
ii. Informed by interdisciplinary studies or specific language and gender

d. Scope
i. national/international/nonnational/other
ii. What "gender and language" means (men as well as women, other
'genders', sexuality)
iii. Relationship between GALA and other gender and language organizations

e. Name of the organization

2. Activities

a. Journal and its relation to other language and gender journals

b. Conference, and its relation to Berkeley Women and Language Conference

c. Recognition of scholarly achievement

3. Structure of GALA (the organization)

a. Governing body/bodies
i. how they'll be elected
ii. terms of service
iii. how to achieve adequate representation of the different fields of
interest in gender and language and different stages in career
iv. fair distribution of work (protecting graduate students, nontenured
scholars, etc.)

b. Implementation of philosophy (establishing bylaws, policies, procedures)

c. Nonprofit status: The technical legal requirements for becoming a
nonprofit organization

d. Finances
i. dues
ii. having enough to cover activities
iii. technical/legal matters

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