let's go

Wed Feb 24 13:12:21 UTC 1999

Hi everyone,

     It was very helpful to have Megan explain how these
e-mail meetings work but I think a little more is perhaps needed.
In my experience, the chair or facilitator (or some other self-appointed
individual) has to periodically sum up what has been said and
call for an end to a particular stream of the discussion.
Otherwise it can become chaotic. I am assuming one of
the facilitators of GALA will play this role. And a certain
degree of discipline is required from the participants to stay on the
topic under discussion. It isn't easy, however!

     Megan, (or Kira) could you post to this group the subscription
information for FLING (Feminist Linguists); there is an
obvious overlap in membership but for people who don't know about
it, they might find it a useful place for posting a wide range of
announcements of interest to both groups.

     GALA - philosophy.

     I think this is a very hard topic to start with. Does
everyone know of the Organization for the Study of Communication,
Language and Gender (OSCLG)? It is the organization that
publishes "Women and Language." It might be useful to see if they
have a mission statement and then see in what way we want to
distinguish ourselves from them. Can anyone help out with this?



     Alice F. Freed
     Linguistics Department
     Montclair State University
     Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 (USA)
     freeda at alpha.montclair.edu
     (973) 655-7505

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