name vote

anna livia livia at SIRIUS.COM
Fri Sep 10 00:52:05 UTC 1999


Just want to say that I am quite serious about the name GALAXY--we could
spell it GALAXXY if people are really worried about the old chromosome
thing. Personally I find it hard to imagine anyone seriously thinking that
"Gender and Language Association XY" was a group for men only. It certainly
is a possible reading, but given the gender of most scholars working in the
area, I find it a bit far-fetched.  Doesn't context dispell any male-only

 I want to push for a name we can say, that means something, and that isn't
just an assemblage of letters. ALGR would sound to me like another obscure,
dull group of scholars congregating in the dusty recess of an ill-lit
>Just a comment, but I have to admit that some of the recent are verging on
>the cutesy/contrived (I was dismayed to see some of my "suggestions,"
>which I gave as bad examples, included in the nominations).  May I throw a
>real suggestion into the arena?
>How about ALGR = The Association of Language and Gender Researchers.  This
>would include all of our proposed membership (in other words, anyone who
>is interested in and researching language and gender).
>Kenneth Allen Hyde     |  No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife
>Univ. of Delaware      |  between the shoulder blades will seriously
>Dept. of Linguistics   |  cramp his style  -- Old Jhereg proverb
>kenny at Udel.Edu         |  A mind is a terrible toy to waste! -- Me
Anna Livia (PhD)
Visiting Assistant Professor, French Department,
UC Berkeley, 4125 Dwinelle Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720

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