FWD: Gender-Lect in British Sign Language???

Nobuko Adachi Nobuadachi at AOL.COM
Wed Feb 2 02:19:45 UTC 2000

Dear Andrea,
Today I have received the following message from a member of the
International Gender and Language Association. I thank you are the one who
can answer this question. I am certainly interested to know that too. If you
have a time and do not mind to contact with her (she did not put her name..)
please send the answer to "c.a.fenton at WLV.AC.UK"

<<I am currently final year Interpreting Student with my project title above.
I know there is plenty of info on spoken languages but its just a shot in
the dark to see if there is any info on sign language. (British...but any
info welcome)
Many thanks,
C :)  >>

Andrea, thank you so much for your nice e-mail. You are certain a nice warm
woman whom your mother and father really proud of.

I will write more later.

PS. Please say Hi to Kerry, Kona, and Trovor.

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