Fwd: Re:textbook on gender and language

Susan Ervin-Tripp ervintrp at SOCRATES.BERKELEY.EDU
Fri Feb 4 06:48:13 UTC 2000

>Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2000 17:29:10 -0800
>From: "Jiansheng Guo" <jshguo at csuhayward.edu>
>Organization: Department of Human Development
>I'm going to teach a short course on Language and Gender, Ethnicity and
>Social Class.  I wonder if anyone could recommend a very introduction
>level textbook or book for that purpose?  I would like to show to the
>students how language can reflect and constitute gender, ethnicity, and
>social slass, but a reader of original papers might be a bit too heavy
>to my students here (as I've learnt from my experience from my past
>quarter).  I would really appreciate any hints, clues, directions,
>Many thanks in advance.
>Jiansheng Guo
>Dept. of Human Development
>California State University, Hayward
>Hayward, CA 94542

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