
Megan Crowhurst mcrowhurst at MAIL.UTEXAS.EDU
Wed Feb 16 17:08:38 UTC 2000


On most email systems, if you use the reply function, the system
automatically copies the entire text of a message, and then you can
interpose your responses; won't this work for you?  It would save you
(or anyone else with this concern) some work.

Regarding your second message, IGALA has no steering committee
(although an ad hoc committee was set up to organize the first IGALA
conference; they have no formal or permanent role in this
organization other than that).  So, it isn't "steering committee"
members who have voted so far, just so you know.  It isn't unusual
for us to receive such a low number of votes; though there are
hundreds of people on this list, typically about 20 vote, sometimes a
few more, sometimes one or two less.  Of the 17 ballots I've received
so far, 10 are from "edu" email addresses (educational institutions
within the USA), two are from Japan (one of these is from someone I
judge not to be Japanese), one from a "net" address possibly not in
the USA, and the other 4 are from "il", "au", "de", and "es"
addresses.  I'm being careful to make this clear, because I perceive
in your message, perhaps incorrectly, the concern that this vote may
be being orchestrated by some group of people perceived to be
centrally involved. In that case, you might think the vote to be a
sham, and feel that it might not be worth voting anyway.  This is
certainly not true, and certainly not intended, and in any case--the
way to make sure this *doesn't* happen is to send your vote.

Looking forward to hearing from you!
Megan Crowhurst, PhD			Phone: 512-471-1701
Department of Linguistics		Fax:   512-471-4340
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX  78712-1196

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