
Sally McConnell-Ginet smg9 at CORNELL.EDU
Mon Feb 21 19:25:23 UTC 2000

Megan, it's probably too late but ....  I vote yes on 1, no on 2 and 3.  I
vote yes on (5) and on (7) and am agnostic about the others.  Sorry to have
forgotten--and I quite understand if it's too late to count this.  S

>Hi all,
>We set the deadline for the vote we're doing now for Tuesday, but
>only 17 people have voted.  Let's extend the vote until Thursday at
>midnight (your time), to make sure everyone who'd like to vote, but
>couldn't find the time or forgot, can do so.  In case you've deleted
>the vote, I've copied it below.
>Since we've had a number of proposals regarding the structure of the
>advisory council, voting on it is a bit complicated.  We think that
>the best way of doing this so that the many parts of different
>proposals will be to go from general to more specific.  This means
>this message is a bit complicated, with a number of different items
>for you to provide an 'up' or 'down' (i.e. 'yes' or 'no') vote on.
>The reason for using a "vote yes or no on each of the following" as
>opposed to "vote for one of the following" is to give you the chance
>of giving an opinion on every item.  This way, you will not have to
>choose between two options, neither of which appeals to you, or
>abstain from voting.  In that case, you may vote "no" on both.
>Alternatively, if you could live with some subset of the options
>presented, you may vote "yes" on all of the options that you would
>support.  We'll tally all of the "yes" votes, and all of the "no"
>votes, and will put together a package that consists of the options
>favoured by the majority.  (If there are more noes than yesses, we'll
>go back to the drawing board.)  Although possibly tedious for you,
>this is the fairest way we can think of for getting the job done.
>Please note that all of the options presented here are options
>proposed in earlier discussion that are consistent with policies
>we've already voted on (and I hope we've remembered everything we
>need to).
>Please send your completed ballots to me (Megan Crowhurst) at
>mcrowhurst at  We'll count all responses received on or
>before Thursday, February 17, 2000.
>It might be useful to read through the ballot completely before
>responding so that you understand how we're structuring the vote.  If
>you have any questions about how to proceed with voting, please post
>them to GALA-L.
>Bearing in mind we've already voted to have specifically designated
>seats: *Please vote "yes" for each proposed structure that you
>support, and "no" for each proposed structure that you oppose.  (That
>is, return a "yes" or "no" vote for each of (1), (2) and (3).)*
>(1)	A BIPARTITE Advisory Council with:
>	- A number of designated seats, to be filled by members representing
>	  specific PROFESSIONAL/ACADEMIC concerns and APPOINTED by the
>	  Executive Committee; and
>	- A number of undesignated "at large" seats, to be filled by
>members who
>	  will be ELECTED based on a platform proposed by the candidate.
>(2)	A BIPARTITE Advisory Council with:
>	- A number of designated seats, to be filled by members representing
>	  specific POLITICAL concerns and APPOINTED by the Executive
>	  Committee; and
>	- A number of undesignated "at large" seats, to be filled by
>members who
>	  will be ELECTED based on a platform proposed by the candidate.
>(3)	A TRIPARTITE Advisory Council with:
>	- A number of designated seats, to be filled by members representing
>	  specific POLITICAL concerns and APPOINTED by the Executive
>	  Committee; and
>	- A number of designated seats, to be filled by members representing
>	  specific PROFESSIONAL/ACADEMIC concerns and APPOINTED by
>	  [still to be determined]; and
>	- A number of undesignated "at large" seats, to be filled by
>members who
>	  will be ELECTED based on a platform proposed by the candidate.
>(Note:  In this item, we are not voting on the specifics of how these
>seats are to be filled, or how many seats there will be.)
>*Please vote "yes" or "no" on (4).*
>(4)	12 seats (as originally proposed)
>	(to be divided as equally as possible among the categories chosen in
>	Item 1.)
>*Given that we've already voted to designate some seats, please vote
>"yes" for every category in (5) - (11) that you  support, and "no"
>for every category that you oppose.*
>(5)	A seat to represent STUDENT CONCERNS.
>(6)	A seat to represent scholars not employed by universities (i.e. working
>	in industry or elsewhere).
>(7)	A seat to represent scholars with affiliations not in the US, the UK,
>	Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
>(8)	A seat to represent scholars working on queer (including gay, lesbian,
>	bisexual, transgender) issues in linguistics.
>(9)	A seat to represent scholars working on languages or language varieties
>	whose speakers are socially or politically marginalized in the
>	communities where they are spoken.
>(10)	A seat to represent scholars focusing on men's language use.
>(11)	A seat to represent scholars whose work directly reflects and addresses
>	feminist issues/concerns.
>NOTE: If we have forgotten categories that have been proposed, please
>remind us in this space, and if we need to, we'll have another quick
>vote next week.  To make this feasible, we'll only consider other
>categories presented in response to this vote message, and returned
>by the deadline (Tuesday, February 15).
>*Please vote "yes" or "no" on each of (12) and (13).*
>(12)	A seat to represent STUDENT CONCERNS (if supported by the membership)
>	will be for a term of TWO years.
>(13)	With the exception of (12), Advisory Council seats will be for a term
>	of THREE years.
>Return to:  mcrowhurst at
>Return by Thursday, February 17, 2000.
>Megan Crowhurst, PhD			Phone: 512-471-1701
>Department of Linguistics		Fax:   512-471-4340
>The University of Texas at Austin
>Austin, TX  78712-1196

Sally McConnell-Ginet
Professor of Linguistics
Secretary-Treasurer, Linguistic Society of America
Department of Linguistics
Morrill Hall, Cornell
Ithaca, NY 14853
FAX: 607-255-2044

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