gender and language

Tommy Wasserman wasserman at BREDBAND.NET
Tue Oct 23 20:41:16 UTC 2001

Dear listmembers,

I am new to this list and I have a query concerning gender and language.
In my linguistic course I read Peter Trudgill's introduction to
Sociolinguistics (Penguin Books 2000; first published 1974 in Pelican
Books). In the chapter "Language and Sex," Trudgill explains that he and
other scientists have found that women on average more often use what is
considered Standard language (e.g. Standard English with RP
pronunciation in Britain). Women are also more conservative in that they
hold on to forms that traditionally are more prestiguous, while men are
said to be more innovative when it comes to linguistic changes which are
operating away from the prestige standard.

Perhaps these field observations are not so complex and controversial as
their interpretation when we are trying to explain (or speculate about)
why men and women use different language. I would be grateful for any
comments and suggestions of plausible explanations.

With kind regards

Tommy Wasserman, student of linguistics

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