
Penny Eckert eckert at CSLI.STANFORD.EDU
Thu May 2 18:21:48 UTC 2002

Friends -

I'm gratified that so many people are joining IGALA. We have set the dues
quite low so that as many people as possible would join. I would like to
encourage those of you for whom the dues is not a burden to consider
contributing an additional sum to the organization. You may designate that
this money go towards IGALA's general activities supporting the study of
language and gender, or that it go specifically to the Busary Fund.

The Bursary Fund has been set up to provide travel and expense money for
people presenting papers or posters at the IGALA conferences. It is
particularly important that this fund be substantial so that we can have a
more inclusive attendance at our conferences - particularly reaching out
internationally and to students. There are many people who wish to attend
the IGALA conferences whose universities do not support conference travel,
or are less likely to support travel for those studying gender, and some
of our members are not at institutions at all. We hope that everyone who
is in a position to will extend a hand.


Penelope Eckert                              phone: (650)725-1564
Professor, Department of Linguistics         fax:   (650)723-5666
Director, Program in Feminist Studies
Stanford University
Stanford CA 94305-2150

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