Young Americans Foundation criticizes Language, Gender & Sexualitycourse

Lisa Camasi lcamasi at UCLINK4.BERKELEY.EDU
Wed Sep 18 05:59:38 UTC 2002

At 06:03 PM 9/17/2002 -0500, you wrote:

>                                         ... In addition, Young America^s
>Foundation saved President Reagan^s Western White House ^ Rancho del Cielo
>in Santa Barbara, California ^ to serve as the centerpiece of its Reagan
>Ranch Program.

"Reagan Ranch Program?"  Is this the up and coming generation of John Birch
Society wanna-bes' version of the Bohemian Grove?

They haven't the imagination.

And what university did they find that doesn't require American
History?  As I understand it, that is one of the fundamental criteria for
accreditation which makes uni's eligible for federal and state financial
aid programs.

I found nothing in any of the "Dirty Dozen" class listings even remotely
troublesome... I could see the potential value of each course
offering.  But then I'm generally open minded.  Oh, and I have rather well
developed critical thinking skills, innate curiosity, and oh, yes, an acute
awareness that most of the world does not share the values and views of
Young America's Foundation.  And I have my education at a public (American)
university to thank for some of that.  Which is of course exactly what
scares them...

Where is this "study" being published?  Sounds like prime subject material
for an undergrad course which could be titled:  The Analysis of Right Wing
Propaganda and it's Use as a Tool of Oppression and Censorship on College
Campuses :)

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