grammatical gender system

Scott F. Kiesling kiesling at PITT.EDU
Fri Feb 6 04:40:57 UTC 2004

You might check out Kira Hall's work, if you haven't. I know this one
talks about grammatical gender use:

 Hall, Kira, & Veronica O'Donovan (1996).  Shifting Gender Positions Among 
Hindi-speaking Hijras.  In Victoria Bergvall, Janet Bing, & Alice Freed 
(eds.),  Rethinking Language and Gender Research: Theory and Practice. 
London: Longman. 228-266.


On Thu, 5 Feb 2004 at 10:40pm, the following was brought forth by Rodrigo Borba:

> Hey, guys, does anyone have suggestions about literature on the
> manupulation the the grammatical gender system? I've been involved with
> a research among Travestis in southern Brazil and I discovered that
> their particular use of the grammatical system in Bazilian Portuguese
> might be really worth taking a look at.
> Rodrigo
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Scott F. Kiesling

Assistant Professor		
Department of Linguistics		kiesling at
University of Pittsburgh, 2816 CL	Phone: 412-624-5916
Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA		Fax: 412-624-6130

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