Self-nominations for open positions

Miriam Meyerhoff Miriam.Meyerhoff at ED.AC.UK
Sun Mar 28 21:13:15 UTC 2004

Dear IGALA members,

One of the members has asked if self-nominations are accepted for the open
positions (Vice-President/President-Elect, Secretary and Advisory Council (5)).

Self-nominations are welcomed, again, preferably to me directly rather than the list
as a whole. All candidates will have to provide a paragraph stating what s/he would
bring to the position, so if you are self-nominating you might like to start working on

I will post the statements to the whole list when the elections start at the end of April.

best, Miriam

Miriam Meyerhoff
Reader, Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
University of Edinburgh
40 George Sq
Edinburgh EH8 9LL

ph: +44 131 650-3961
fax: +44 131 650-3962

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