IGALA membership and nominations for Executive positions

Barbara LeMaster lemaster at CSULB.EDU
Wed Dec 6 18:42:22 UTC 2006

Dear Sue and IGALA executive committee members,

Some of us paid our dues in Valencia, but the journal was not yet 
connected to the dues payment.  Can you remind us what the dues were at 
that time?  Then we can figure out for ourselves how much we still owe 
for dues should we also want to subscribe to the journal.  (I paid in 
Euros there, since that is what I had, but it was much more expensive 
than the dues in dollars.  I will need to figure out how much to send 
in dollars in order to subscribe to the journal with membership.)

Thanks in advance,

On Dec 6, 2006, at 7:30 AM, vbergval at MTU.EDU wrote:

> Dear Sue and IGALA executive committee members,
> Can you also clarify how members will be eligible to vote, e.g., how 
> dues
> for membership should be paid?
> In particular, what do we do if we have already subscribed to the
> wonderful new Gender and Language journal at the full price. That is: 
> at
> the IGALA meeting in Valencia, Bonnie McElhinney and Sara Mills talked
> about how the full price would be for those who were NOT IGALA members,
> with a special lower price for IGALA members.
> For those of us who have already subscribed, should we also submit an
> IGALA dues payment separately? (If so, to where, and by when?)
> Will our subscriptions be converted to membership + subscription?
> I am happy to have IGALA kept the extra, but just want to know where I
> stand for current membership.
> Thanks to the Executive Committee, the journal editors, and to Jose
> Santaemilila and his staff for all the fine work.
> Vicky Bergvall
Dr. Barbara LeMaster
Departments of Anthropology and Linguistics
California State University, Long Beach
1250 Bellflower Boulevard
Long Beach, CA 90840
(562) 985-5037
(562) 985-4379 (fax)
lemaster at csulb.edu

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