Information about Pamela Fishman and Alma Graham

Jane j.sunderland at LANCS.AC.UK
Thu Mar 16 12:36:51 UTC 2006

Can anyone help? I'm in the final stages of completing a Gender and
Language 'Advanced Resource Book' (Routledege). There will be an
accompanying website on which I am expected to include links to the
writers of the extracts included in the book, e.g. to provide more
information about their work (and even life).
Does anyone know of any such links to websites about (a) Pamela Fishman,
and (b) Alma Graham?
With thanks and best wishes
Jane Sunderland
Jane Sunderland
Director of Studies, PhD in Applied Linguistics by Thesis and Coursework
and New Route PhD
Dept. of Linguistics and English Language
Lancaster University
Lancs. LA1 4YT
j.sunderland at
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