IGALA-4 webpage

Jose.Santaemilia at UV.ES Jose.Santaemilia at UV.ES
Thu Mar 16 17:56:40 UTC 2006

Dear IGALA members and colleagues:

As you know, we are organizing the 4th International Gender & 
Language Association Conference at the University of Valencia.

We are pleased to let you know that we have just launched the IGALA-4 
Webpage (http://es.geocities.com/igala4). All the relevant 
information is there, but we will keep adding other stuff in the 
following weeks.

Best wishes from Valencia,

José Santaemilia

Dr. José Santaemilia
Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya,
Universitat de València
Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 32
Tel. (34) 96 386 42 62 / (34) 96 398 34 20
Fax (34) 96 386 41 61
e-mail: jose.santaemilia at uv.es
URL: http://www.uv.es/˜santaemj/

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