Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise IV: Final CFP

Mullany Louise Louise.Mullany at NOTTINGHAM.AC.UK
Thu Jan 11 17:56:36 UTC 2007

Dear all, 
The deadline for submitting abstracts for the fourth Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise Conference is 31st January 2007. One of the key conference themes is on language and identities at work, and presentations focusing on language and gender/language and sexuality in the workplace are particularly encouraged. Invited plenary speakers are:

Mats Alvesson, Lund University, Sweden;
Maria do Carmo Leite de Oliveria, PUC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 

Celia Roberts, Kings College London, UK and 
Tony Watson, University of Nottingham, UK

Full details on how to submit an abstract/how to register are available at the conference website:
Best wishes,
Dr. Louise Mullany
Lecturer in Applied Linguistics
School of English Studies
University of Nottingham
Tel: +44 (0)115 846 7181

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