'Language and Gender: an advanced resource book' - feedback needed

Tue Jan 8 09:32:34 UTC 2008

Dear Jane,
I use your book and would be happy to give feedback.
Best wishes,

Dr. Linda McLoughlin
Pathway Leader
English Language,
Humanities Deanery
0151 291 3250
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>>> "Sunderland, Jane" <j.sunderland at LANCASTER.AC.UK> 01/07/08 6:45 pm >>>
Dear all,

Routledge are planning a survey of responses to their Research in
Applied Linguistics series. One of these is my  'Language and Gender: an
advanced resoource book'.
If you have used this book (e.g. for teaching), and would like to give
feedback about it (including negative feedback) to Routledge, could you
let me know? Responses to actually using the book will apparently help
with future sales and marketing and the development of second or
modified editions of the book. 

I will then send your e-mail address to Ron Carter, for Routledge. (I am
sure all feedback to the author will remain anonymous.)
Best wishes to all
Jane Sunderland

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