Correction: IGALA Call for nominations

Ana Cristina Ostermann aco3 at TERRA.COM.BR
Mon Sep 15 18:09:03 UTC 2008

Dear IGALA members,

As regards the forthcoming elections for IGALA Vice President/President-elect and Secretary, in contradiction
to my earlier message, self-nominations will *not* be allowed. Apologies for any confusion. Of course, anyone
interested in standing can explain to a colleague (anywhere in the world) who is also an IGALA member why they
would be a good person to be nominated for one of these positions.

Once again, both 'nominators' and candidates must be paid-up members of IGALA. Please address all responses to
me <aco at> rather than to the entire list. The nomination period will close
on Oct 15, 2008.

We take this opportunity to encourage and welcome new IGALA members! The IGALA membership form is available at
<> and should be sent directly to Equinox (contacts can be
obtained on the form). Information about IGALA can be found at

Ana Cristina Ostermann, IGALA Secretary

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