Institutions which teach Language and Gender

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Wed Jul 1 19:59:51 UTC 2009

...and at Yale we offer two courses in language 
and gender, one in Anthro and mine in Linguistics 
(cross-listed with Psychology).  The latter is 
called "Language, Sex & Gender" and is an 
undergraduate course, although it's open to grad 
students as well.

Larry Horn

At 4:46 PM -0300 7/1/09, mizabel wrote:
>Em 25/06/2009 12:55, Sunderland, Jane < 
>j.sunderland at LANCASTER.AC.UK > escreveu:
>Dear Jane,
>The Center for the Study of Language and Society 
>(Nelis/Ceam) of the University of Brasilia, 
>Brazil, offers the course "Discourse, Gender and 
>Literacy", primarily addressed at undergraduates 
>of different areas. For many years I was the 
>tutor, and the room used to be crowded.
>Best wishes,
>Izabel Magalhães,
>Professor of Discourse Analysis,
>University of Brasilia.
>Rua Maria Tomásia, 1261, Edifício Santa Chiara, Apto. 102,
>60150170 Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
>Tel. (+55-85)32675931
>Dear GALA-L members
>I'm part of an editorial team putting forward a 
>proposal for an edited collection on language 
>and gender (yes, another!). As usual, the 
>publishers want to know the potential market, so 
>I have been trying to put together a list of 
>academic institutions (worldwide) which teach 
>language and gender.
>Then it occurred to me that such a resource 
>might be of use to others in a similar 
>situation. (Or: perhaps one exists, and I don't 
>know about it. Please let me know if you do.)
>So, if your institution teaches language and 
>gender as a course or module (i.e. called 
>something like 'Gender and language' or 
>'Discourse and gender' or 'Language and 
>identity: class, gender, ethnicity'), could you 
>please let me (*not* the List) know?
>Could you also let me know whether this is at 
>undergraduate or (post)graduate level?
>I am interested in courses/modules or whole 
>degree programmes (e.g. 'MA in Gender and 
>Language'). I am not interested in 
>courses/modules which happen to include one unit 
>on gender and language.
>I undertake to collate whatever I get and post 
>it on the IGALA website, as a resource.
>Best wishes to all
>Jane Sunderland
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