search for new co-editor for GENDER AND LANGUAGE

Bonnie McElhinny bonnie.mcelhinny at UTORONTO.CA
Thu Jun 25 12:47:27 UTC 2009

Search for new co-editor for Gender and Language

The journal of Gender and Language is soliciting nominations  (by  
others or by candidates) for the position of co-editor.

Gender and Language is the journal of the International Gender and  
Language Association (IGALA). The journal appears twice a year. The  
journal encourages discussion and debate about the implications of  
different definitions of gender and different approaches to analyzing  
the production and interpretation of texts and speech. It welcomes  
research employing a range of linguistic approaches (e.g. conversation  
analysis, discourse and text analysis, ethnography of communication,  
pragmatics, variationist sociolinguistics, interactional  
sociolinguistics, stylistics) and from a variety of disciplines,  
including linguistics, anthropology, women and gender studies,  
education, philosophy, psychology, folklore, sociology, communication  
studies, queer studies, literary and cultural studies, as it aims to  
foster interdisciplinary discussion and dialogue among these  

For further information on the journal,  please see 

The position has a 3 year term (Sept. 1, 2009 – Aug. 31, 2012).  The  
journal has two co-editors,  who rotate off at staggered intervals.   
Bonnie McElhinny will continue to serve as co-editor for another two  
years (i.e. through July 2011).

Interested candidates should send CVS, and a brief statement of  
interest in the position by July 15, 2009 to Bonnie McElhinny,  
Director, Women and Gender Studies Institute, University of Toronto (bonnie.mcelhinny at 

Bonnie, the editorial board,  the publisher and IGALA would like to  
thank Sara Mills for her work as founding co-editor of the journal.   
Sara played a crucial role in writing proposals for the journal,  
finding a publisher, and establishing the journal on solid ground in  
the first 3 years of its operation.
Bonnie McElhinny
Associate Professor, Anthropology and Women and Gender Studies

Director, Women and Gender Studies Institute


WGSI:  Rm 2033, Wilson Hall, New College
Ph:   416-946-5383; Fax:  416-946-5561

Anthropology Office:  Room 364, Anthropology Building, 19 Russell St.
Ph:  416-978-3297

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