Fwd: cfp - pacific and gender in world history

Miriam Meyerhoff mhoff at LING.ED.AC.UK
Fri Sep 11 09:27:14 UTC 2009

Apologies for any cross-posting.

Begin forwarded message:
> date: september 2, 2009
> from:  kathleen kimball (kik at metrocast.net)
> re: cross post call for papers from h-world list re: the pacific  
> and gender in world history
> original post at h-world by Maryanne Rhett, Monmouth University,  
> mrhett at monmouth.edu
> Handlery Hotel and Resort in Mission Valley, San Diego, California
> 24-27 June 2010
> Themes:Gender in World History and The Pacific in World History
> Thanks to the generous patronage of several area colleges and  
> universities, the Nineteenth Annual World History Association  
> Conference will be held at the Handlery Hotel and Resort in Mission  
> Valley, San Diego, California, June 24-27, 2010.
> The conference begins with registration and a reception on June 24.  
> Panel sessions and other conference-related activities commence  
> June 25 and continue to midday on the 27th.
> Information regarding accommodations, registration, the keynote  
> speakers, and related issues will begin appearing on the WHA  
> website www.thewha.org in September 2009.
> The World History Association invites proposals from scholars and  
> teachers around the world for full panels (up to 3 panelists, one  
> chair, and one discussant), single papers, and roundtables (between  
> 4 to 5 participants) on topics related to the scholarly and/or  
> pedagogical aspects of the conference's themes, "Gender in World  
> History" and "The Pacific in World History." The Program Committee  
> encourages mixed panels composed of K-12 teachers, university  
> professors, and independent scholars in which cutting-edge  
> scholarship is presented and then discussed as to how it might be  
> introduced into the classroom, as well as panels devoted to  
> research in progress and sessions dealing with the current  
> scholarship of "big issues" in world history and how these issues  
> might be brought to the classroom. The committee also invites  
> proposals for sessions in which all papers and commentary have been  
> posted on the WHA website in advance and the entire session
> is devoted to open discussion of the issues raised.
> Priority will be given to full panel submissions, but individual  
> papers will be considered, and if accepted will be placed into  
> panels put together by the Program Committee. Papers and proposed  
> panels that do not fit into the conference themes will be  
> considered and might be accepted, as space allows.
> Each proposal should include: a 250-word abstract of each paper, a  
> curriculum vitae for each participant, and a statement noting how  
> each paper makes an original contribution to scholarship or  
> pedagogy. Proposals must be submitted using the forms and  
> guidelines available at www.thewha.org
> Guidelines for panel organizers, paper presenters, commentators,  
> and chairs are posted at www.thewha.org and should be read with  
> care and followed. Please note the strict 20-minute time limit for  
> paper presentations.
> DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS: 15 January 2010. Due to the need for early  
> notification and travel planning, no proposal will be accepted  
> after the deadline. Presenters must register for the conference by  
> 1 May 2010 to be included in the program.
> -- 
> kik
> kik at metrocast.net
> dr. kathleen i. kimball, president
> www.waterdragoninc.com

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