IGALA Policy on Local IGALA Branches and Local IGALA Events

Bengoechea Bartolomé Mercedes mercedes.bengoechea at UAH.ES
Tue Sep 22 10:16:01 UTC 2009


Dear IGALA list members,
 Please, find IGALA policy on local IGALA branches or events below.
 Best wishes,
Mercedes Bengoechea (Universidad de Alcala, SPAIN)



IGALA Policy on Local IGALA Branches and Local IGALA Events


1. IGALA welcomes the formation of local (e.g. national) branches and local IGALA events, for the following reasons:


·              this is likely to increase interest in the language and gender field

·              it is also likely to increase interest in and awareness of IGALA, and hence boost membership

·              it will increase the 'internationalisation' of IGALA

·              it will raise the awareness of all IGALA members of local language and gender issues, and help guard against marginalisation of certain geographical/linguistic contexts

·              it will create and maintain IGALA activity in between conferences

·              it will allow direct participation in IGALA for those who cannot attend IGALA conferences (or who have to miss some)


At the same time, IGALA is concerned that local branches and local events will be consistent with the objectives and principles of IGALA.


2. One member of the IGALA Executive/Advisory Committee will have special responsibility for overseeing local branches and local IGALA events. She (or he) should among other things meet with local branch organisers at the biennial IGALA conference, and could offer assistance in reviewing papers submitted for presentation at local events such as seminars or workshops (see (4) below). (Until such a person has been formally appointed, requests should be submitted either to Jane Sunderland (j.sunderland at lancs.ac.uk <mailto:j.sunderland at lancs.ac.uk> ) or Vicky Bergvall (vbergval at mtu.edu <mailto:vbergval at mtu.edu> ), who will take your request forward.)


3. Local branches and local events will be proposed by IGALA members 'on the ground' (i.e. not by the Executive/Advisory Committee).


Local events


4. Local events can be workshops, seminars or meetings but should not be referred to as 'IGALA Conferences'.


5. The organiser of a local event is expected to encourage participants to join IGALA.


6. The organiser of a local event should submit a report of that event to IGALA.


7. A local event would be expected to be organised in conjunction with the local branch, if any. For example, if IGALA members in a certain country wished to organise a workshop, where there is also an IGALA branch in that country, the workshop should be organised in association with the branch.


Local branches


8. Local branches are expected to be made up of members of IGALA.



9. Local branches should submit a report of their activities annually; these reports would be reviewed at the annual IGALA (e-) Business meeting.




10. Anyone who wishes to start a local branch or organise a local event must be a paid-up member of IGALA in good standing. She (or he) should start by contacting the person indicated in (2), providing a description of and rationale for the branch/event, including details of activities, structure and organisation (and, in the case of an IGALA event, the topic or focus) and should include likely participants. The description should also include likely benefits.


11. The person indicated in (2) will act as a link between the IGALA Executive/Advisory board and the local branch/event. In the first instance, she (or he) will bring the application to the attention of the Executive/Advisory Board. This could be done at any time.


12. All reports (from 6 and 9) should be posted on the IGALA website.


13. IGALA is currently unable to provide financial support for local branches and events, but will work towards providing information about other possible sources of finance.


14. The IGALA Executive/Advisory Board will retain control of IGALA membership lists, rights, and responsibilities.






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