Gender and Language in the Public Space: one-day event

Sunderland, Jane j.sunderland at LANCASTER.AC.UK
Sat Jan 22 17:53:13 UTC 2011

We  wish to give you advance notice of this year's annual Gender and Language Special Interest (GAL SIG) Group Event, which is to be held on Tuesday 20th September 2011 at Aston University, UK.

The working title of the event is: Gender and Language in the Public Space, which will be interpreted quite broadly. This will include theoretical and empirical research that examines gender in relation to public and institutional discourse in domains such as Parliament, government, business, leadership, the media, law, education, academia, medicine, religion, and so on. We intend to devote a couple of sessions to UK Research Council funded projects on this topic, and more broadly, to what constitutes a successful grant application in our field.

The day will comprise 5 to 6 speakers who will present their work in 30-minute sessions followed by time for a brief discussion. At the end of the day, we will hold a plenary to discuss some of the key issues raised.

We welcome all members of the SIG to participate, and others who are not members. As yet, we have not formally invited speakers. If you would be interested in contributing a talk to our Event, please could you let us know as soon as possible(addresses below; please do not respond to the entire List), and give us an idea of the topic. Also, please feel free to recommend scholars that we could invite to give a keynote paper.

We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible, and we will send out more specific details in due course.

Kind regards,

Judith Baxter
Paul Baker
Sylvia Shaw
Jane Sunderland

.a.baxter at; p.baker at; j.sunderland at; at


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