[Gala-l] Save the Date: Symposium "Gender-Language-Politics", October 22nd-23rd, Vienna University

Wodak, Ruth r.wodak at lancaster.ac.uk
Wed Jul 8 07:35:20 UTC 2015

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!!!Save the Date!!!

Symposium “Gender – Language – Politics”

October 22nd – 23rd 2015,
Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1,
Skylounge of the Faculty of Economics and Business/Faculty of Mathematics; 

The interdisciplinary and international symposium “Gender – Language – Politics” is the concluding event of the gender focus during the 2015 anniversary program of Vienna University (http://www.univie.ac.at/en/650/celebrating-with-us/gender-justice-focus).

Panels and Keynotes:

The panels and keynotes will deal with the following issues, among others:
•	The representation of women in public space;
•	Discursive constructions of women in leading positions on the political
•	East-West politics regarding gender relations;
•	Religious and political aspects of gender – intersectionality, body
	politics and citizenship/nationality;
•	Right-wing populism and gender;
•	Gender-equality in language;
•	Discourses and gender – ImagePolitics;
•	Issues and political strategies of QueerLinguistics;

4 Keynotes:

•	Deborah Tannen (Georgetown, Washington): ‘Beyond Sexism: Why 	Journalists always Write about Women's Hair and Clothes - and probably 	always will’ 
•	Luise F. Pusch (Germany): Tba
•	Helga Kotthoff (Freiburg, Germany): ‘Indexing Gender in Mothers’
	Stories, in the Context of Parent-Teacher-Conferences’
•	John Wilson (Ulster, UK): 'Discourse Politics and Women as Global Leaders'

5 Panel(organizer)s:

•	Birgit Sauer (‘Framing Religious Difference and Gender.
	Intersectionality, Citizenship and Body Politics’)
•	Natalia Krzyżanowska (‘Gender, Language and Politics – East and West’) 
•	Martin Stegu (Discrimination through Language: Feminist and Queer
•	Eva Flicker/ Elisabeth Holzleithner ( ‘Gender and Visual Politics’)
•	Tuija Saresma (Right-wing Populism, Discourse, and Gender)

Program: https://glp2015.univie.ac.at/draft-program/

Day 1 (October 22, 2015):

8.30-9.30	Registration, Coffee
9.30-10.00	Conference Opening (Gabriella Hauch, Ruth Wodak)
10.00-11.00	Deborah Tannen (Keynote 1):
		‘Beyond Sexism: Why Journalists always Write about Women's Hair 		and Clothes - and probably always will’
11.15-11.30	Coffee/Tea Break
11.30-13.15	Panel 1
		Panel-organizer: Birgit Sauer
		‘Framing Religious Difference and Gender. Intersectionality, 			Citizenship and Body Politics’
13.15-14.30	Lunch
14.30-16.15	Panel 2
		Panel-organizer: Tuija Saresma
		'Right-wing Populism, Discourse, and Gender'
16.15-16.30	Coffee/Tea Break
16.30-18.15	Panel 3
		Panel-organizer: Martin Stegu
		'Discrimination through Language: Feminist and Queer Positions’
18.15-18.30	Coffee/Tea Break
18.30-19.30	Luise F. Pusch (Keynote 2): Tba

Day 2 (October 23, 2015):

8.30-9.00	Coffee and breakfast
9.00-10.00	John Wilson (Keynote 3):
		'Discourse Politics and Women as Global Leaders'
10.-10.15	Coffee/Tea Break
10.15-12.00	Panel 4
		Panel-organizer: Natalia Krzyżanowska
		‘Gender, Language and Politics – East and West’
12.00-13.30	Lunch
13.30-15.15	Panel 5
		Panel-organizers: Eva Flicker/ Elisabeth Holzleithner ‘Gender and 		Visual Politics’
15.15-15.45	Coffee/Tea Break
15.45-17.15	Helga Kotthoff (Keynote 4):
		‘Indexing Gender in Mothers’ Stories in the Context of Parent-			Teacher-Conferences’
17.15-17.30	Coffee/Tea Break
17.30-18.15	General Discussion, Closing of Symposium
19.30-22.00	Conference Dinner
22.00	        Party

Registration: https://glp2015.univie.ac.at/registration/
Travel arrangements: https://glp2015.univie.ac.at/travel-arrangements/
For questions concerning the registration and hotel booking, please contact the event management team of the University of Vienna:

University of Vienna
Universitätsring 1
A - 1010 Vienna
M: congress at univie.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 4277 17677

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