[Gala-l] New IGALA blog post by the editors of Gender and Language

Benedict J. L. ROWLETT browlett at hkbu.edu.hk
Sat Feb 1 01:12:26 UTC 2020

Dear IGALA-ers,

We are delighted to announce the relaunch of the IGALA blog with a post
from the editors of *Gender and Language,* Rodrigo Borba, Kira Hall, and
Mie Hiramoto on "Discourse and the Geopolitics of Gender: Feminist Refusal
Meets Emnity", linking to the theme of this year's IGALA Conference in

The post can be found by clicking on this link:

May we also take this opportunity to invite you to write a post for a
future issue of the IGALA blog. This could be by sharing your own research
projects, or by bringing other interesting topics to the attention of IGAL
members and the wider community.  Students are also strongly encouraged to
write for the blog. Please do let us know if you'd like to contribute
something and/or spread the word among your colleagues. Please write to Ben
Rowlett, the IGALA blog co-ordinator, at browlett at hkbu.edu.hk.

It would be great if you could contact me (Ben) before the end of February
so I can get the next issue online as soon as possible.

All the best,

Ben Rowlett (IGALA Blog co-ordinator)


Dr Benedict J.L. Rowlett

Assistant Professor

Department of English Language and Literature

Hong Kong Baptist University

Office: OEW1110

Tel: (852) 3411 5031


Advisory Board Member, International Gender and Language Association

ORCID Page: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0500-4126

Academia.edu Page: https://hkbu.academia.edu/BenedictRowlett

Recent Publications:

Affect as narrative action in the Global South


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