[Gala-l] IGALA11 postponed to 2021

Erez Levon e.levon at qmul.ac.uk
Fri Mar 20 12:03:00 UTC 2020

(please circulate widely - apologies for multiple postings)

Given the current state of the coronavirus pandemic, the IGALA11 organising team, in consultation with the IGALA Executive Board, has reluctantly decided to postpone the IGALA11 conference, which was due to take place at Queen Mary University of London from 29 June - 2 July 2020. The current global health crisis and the associated travel and immigration restrictions that accompany it make it impossible for us to host an international conference in the coming months and/or to guarantee the health and safety of all participants. We plan to host a rescheduled IGALA11 in 2021, with the precise dates still to be determined.

Registration for IGALA11 is now suspended. We will soon contact those who have already registered for IGALA11 to arrange for a refund.

If you had a paper or panel that was accepted for presentation at IGALA11, you do not need to do anything at this time. You will be contacted separately in due course. We very much hope to be able to transfer over as much of the current programme to the new dates as possible, but we realise that there may be some inevitable attrition. We may therefore also issue a supplemental call for papers in the future. Details of this will be circulated once they are available.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused. We hope that you and yours are keeping safe and healthy during this difficult time, and we look forward to seeing you at the rescheduled IGALA11.

Thank you for your support. Please don't hesitate to be in touch with us<mailto:igala11 at qmul.ac.uk> if you have any questions.

Erez and the IGALA11 organising team

Erez Levon
Professor of Sociolinguistics
Queen Mary University of London

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