[Gala-l] Call for IGALA blog submissions

Benedict J. L. ROWLETT browlett at hkbu.edu.hk
Wed May 27 09:54:15 UTC 2020

Here at the IGALA blog we celebrate the new open access issue of Gender and
Language and warmly welcome its new editors, Kira Hall, Mie Hiramoto, and
Rodrigo Borba.

Their opening editorial discusses new global concerns surrounding the study
of language, gender, and sexuality and introduces papers by Deborah
Chirrey, Kunming Li and Jan Blommaert, Deyanira Rojas-Sosa, Emma Putland,
and Grace Diabah. Paying tribute to the founding mothers of the field, the
editors encourage researchers to confront masculinist rhetoric by finding
new ways to understand its performative power.

We invite the IGALA community to respond to this call by contributing their
thoughts, or reports on their own research, as short posts (300-500 words)
to be published in the next issue of the IGALA blog. Please email your
posts to Ben (IGALA bog coordinator) at browlett at hkbu.edu.hk by the end of
June 2020.

We look forward to receiving your responses!


Access the (open-source) editorial by following this link.


Dr Benedict J.L. Rowlett

Assistant Professor

Department of English Language and Literature

Hong Kong Baptist University

Office: OEW1110

Tel: (852) 3411 5031


Advisory Board Member, International Gender and Language Association

ORCID Page: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0500-4126

Academia.edu Page: https://hkbu.academia.edu/BenedictRowlett

Recent Publications:

Affect as narrative action in the Global South


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