[Gala-l] IGALA 11 2021 Best Graduate Student Paper Award

Rachel Elizabeth Weissler racheliw at umich.edu
Fri Apr 9 15:40:30 UTC 2021

Announcing *IGALA 11 2021 Best Graduate Student Paper Award*

(Submission Deadline: April 30th, 2021)

The 11th biennial conference of the International Gender and Language
Association (IGALA11) <https://www.qmul.ac.uk/igala11/> is hosted by Queen
Mary University of London and will take place online from 22 - 24 June 2021.

IGALA <http://igalaweb.wix.com/igala> is calling for *Language and Gender*
outstanding graduate student papers. The theme of the IGALA 11 2021
conference is Language and the Geopolitics of Gender. Graduate students are
encouraged to submit papers which work within this broad thematic area.
More specific topic areas in this area are detailed below:


   Transnational discourses of gender and sexuality

   Language, gender and sexuality in conflict/war zones

   Gender, language and human migration

   Gender, language and sexuality in borderless communities

   Language and body politics in the new media

   Language, alternative sexualities and social media

   New/social media, democracy, sexual and gender politics

   Gender, sexuality and religious/cultural diversity

Language, gender, sexuality and youth cultures


   Language, gender and sexuality and indigenous cultures

   Gender, sexuality and the discourse of human trafficking

Submissions should be 5,000- 7,000 words in length, in .pdf format, Times
New Roman 12 pt. font, and will be accepted in English only. Submissions
should not have been published or accepted for publication elsewhere and
co-authored submissions are acceptable as long as all authors are graduate
students. Submissions co-authored by advisors are not allowed.

Submissions must be received by April 30th 2021 and emailed to:
racheliw at umich.edu

Please include your name, department and university, and email address in
the body of the email; in addition, indicate your status as a graduate
student member of IGALA.

Awards will be presented at the IGALA 11
Conference, June 22nd – 24th, 2021 online.

The winner will receive a two year subscription to IGALA which includes a
subscription to the journal Gender and Language.The winner will also have a
chance to work with the editors of the journal to develop the paper into a
published article.

For other questions concerning the award, please contact me, Rachel
Elizabeth Weissler, IGALA graduate student representative:
racheliw at umich.edu

Thank you!

Be Well,
Rachel Elizabeth Weissler, M.A. (she/her) <https://www.mypronouns.org/how>
Ph.D. Candidate in Linguistics, University of Michigan
Research Associate in Linguistics, University of Oregon
*Black Lives Matter*
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