[Gala-l] Fwd: 2021 SLA Meeting Moved to Spring 2022

Kira Hall kira.hall at colorado.edu
Fri Apr 30 14:12:07 UTC 2021

2021 SLA Meeting Moved to Spring 2022
One More Postponement

Dear members and friends of the Society for Linguistic Anthropology,

I am writing in my capacity as President of the SLA, together with SLA President-Elect Bernard Perley, to announce another shift in the date of the SLA conference to April 7-9, 2022. The conference will be held in Boulder, Colorado for all those able to attend in person and will also offer a virtual component, sponsored by the SLA Language & Social Justice Committee, for those wanting to participate from other locations.

As many of you are aware, we have had to shift the date of the conference semester-by-semester from the originally scheduled date of Spring 2020 to meet our contractual and financial agreements. We had hoped that the Fall 2021 date would be workable, but given the continued increase of Covid-19 cases throughout the world and the slow roll-out of the vaccines internationally, the conference organizers and SLA executive board believe it is best for our membership to push things to Spring 2022 in one more attempt to hold an in-person conference. We are hoping that we will be able to welcome you to Boulder at that time for a safe and celebratory weekend, but if not, the new SLA Board, under the leadership of Bernard Perley, will decide on the future of the Boulder conference.

We are grateful to the AAA and to the Hilton venue for working with us to secure the new date. The conference will officially begin on the morning of April 7, 2022 (Thursday) and continue through the evening of April 9, 2022 (Saturday), with pre-conference events scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, April 6, 2022. If you registered for the previously scheduled conference and/or booked a hotel room in The Hiltons conference block and wish to attend the new conference date, no action is needed. Your conference registration and hotel reservations will automatically be shifted to the April 2022 conference date. For information on cancellation or new registration, see below.

Schedule updates: The original program can be found on our SLA Trello site, now revised to reflect the new conference dates: https://trello.com/b/WDRouMFF<http://amaa.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0zMzAyMDIzJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5Mjc1NyZsaT0yOTI2NTI4Ng/index.html>. The conference team will be working to bring the program up-to-date. Since much time has passed since the original conference date, we will be contacting all participants on the program during fall 2021 to revise their panels and abstracts as needed. We will also be soliciting new proposals for panels, posters, and individual papers at that time; we anticipate sending out a second Call for Papers in October 2021 for both in-person and virtual presentations.

Registration for in-person conference: If you did not register previously but would like to attend the April 7-9, 2022 conference, you may pre-register at the conference link<http://amaa.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0zMzAyMDIzJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5Mjc1NyZsaT0yOTI2NTI4Nw/index.html> on the AAA website. If you are scheduled to present a paper at the conference but find that you are unable to attend in-person, we are happy to work with your fellow panelists to have you present virtually at the scheduled time. Because this requires additional technology support, these presentations will require the same registration fee as other presentations on the in-person program. If an entire session wishes to switch from in-person to virtual presentation, this may also be an option. If you registered previously and know that you will be unable to attend or present a paper, you may request a refund by sending a written request to aaameetings at americananthro.org<mailto:aaameetings at americananthro.org> on or before Tuesday, March 1, 2022. If you have additional questions about registration, please contact our conference team at slaboulder at gmail.com<mailto:slaboulder at gmail.com>.

Registration for virtual component: Given major social justice concerns around in-person conferences (Bolander & Fine 2021; Rissman & Jacobs 2020), the Language & Social Justice committee will plan a number of virtual and hybrid events that focus specifically on networking and more casual interaction to take place over the coming months and during the weekend of the conference. All registrants for the in-person conference will have access to the virtual component. Participants who would like to participate only in the virtual component can register for a small fee (to be announced), which will also grant online access to the festschrifts and plenary sessions taking place in the main hall. We will be providing more information about the virtual component of the conference in the coming months. Please contact Jennifer Delfino (jdelfino at bmcc.cuny.edu<mailto:jdelfino at bmcc.cuny.edu>) and Jena Barchas-Lichtenstein (jenabl at knology.org<mailto:jenabl at knology.org>) to get involved in the planning. We need your help and ideas!

Hotel and travel arrangements: The conference will be held in The Hiltons on Canyon in Boulder, Colorado. The Hiltons are working closely with the AAA to make sure that the transition to the new date runs smoothly. In the next week, they will be moving all rooms previously booked at the discount rate in the conference block to the new conference date, so you do not need to change the reservations yourself. If you would like to book a room in the conference block but did not do so previously, you can book a room at the following link: https://embassysuites.hilton.com/en/es/groups/personalized/D/DENBOES-SCC-20220405/index.jhtml?WT.mc_id=POG<http://amaa.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0zMzAyMDIzJnA9MSZ1PTM3NDA5Mjc1NyZsaT0yOTI2NTI4OA/index.html>. Should you find that you cannot attend the conference, you may cancel your hotel reservations for a full refund up until a week before arrival in Boulder. We are pleased to hear that many airlines are still allowing travelers to change their reservations without penalty, so we suggest you arrange your new tickets as soon as possible.

We are hoping that we will be able to come together in Spring 2022 to celebrate the beginning of a new era in the fight against Covid-19. The conference organizers are working to create a stimulating and up-to-date program on the (still) acutely relevant theme of “Future Imperfect: Language in Times of Crisis and Hope.” We hope you will join us for the best party ever!

Warm wishes to all,

Kira Hall, SLA President
Bernard Perley, SLA President-Elect
With the SLA Executive Board and the SLA Fall Conference Organizers

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