[Gala-l] American Name Society 2022 Call for Papers

Laurel Sutton laurelasutton at gmail.com
Sun May 23 17:41:14 UTC 2021

*ANS 2022, Online, 21-23 January 2022*

The American Name Society is now inviting proposals for papers for its next
annual conference. After serious deliberation of an official proposal made
on the 5th of May 2021, the Executive Council of the American Name Society
unanimously voted to hold the 2022 Annual Conference online. All
presentation sessions will be held online during the three days of the
conference. This means that our conference will NOT be held in conjunction
with the LSA meeting, which is still slated to be held in person, January
2022 in Washington, DC.

Abstracts in any area of onomastic research are welcome; in the past we
have had many presentations on naming and gender identity, pronoun use, and
inclusive language. The DEADLINE for receipt of abstracts is July 31, 2021.
To submit a proposal, simply complete the 2022 Author Information Sheet
(AIS) found here: https://wp.me/a6e07Q-29o

Please email this completed form to ANS Vice President Luisa Caiazzo using
the following address: <luisa.caiazzo at unibas.it>. For organizational
purposes, please be sure to include the phrase “ANS 2022” in the subject
line of your email.

All proposals will be subjected to blind review. Official notification of
proposal acceptances will be sent on or before September 30, 2021. All
authors whose papers have been accepted must be current members of the ANS
<http://www.americannamesociety.org/membership/>. Please feel free to
contact ANS Vice President, Luisa Caiazzo, <luisa.caiazzo at unibas.it>,
should you have any questions or concerns.

Registration will open in September 2020.

A downloadable PDF of the Call for Papers can be found here.

We look forward to receiving your submission! Thanks!
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