[Gala-l] SLA 2022 needs panels and papers on language, gender, and sexuality!

Kira Hall kira.hall at colorado.edu
Sun Feb 6 03:25:42 UTC 2022

Hi everyone, we are almost at the one-week mark to the deadline for submissions to the Society for Linguistic Anthropology conference in Boulder, which will be held April 7-9, 2022. There will also be an integrated and robust virtual component, to be held on Gather (fun!).  Please consider submitting panels, papers, roundtables, workshops, and posters by the February 14 deadline. We would love to have strong representation from language, gender, and sexuality scholars.

Here is the quick information - I hope to see submissions from IGALA!

SLA 2022, to be held in Boulder, Colorado on April 7-9, is accepting new submissions for panels, roundtables, workshops, papers, and posters at the New Submissions<https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Famaa.informz.net%2Fz%2FcjUucD9taT0zNTI3NTA3JnA9MSZ1PTQwNDg1MTY3NSZsaT0zMzIyNDk1MA%2Findex.html&data=04%7C01%7Ckatherine.christoffersen%40utrgv.edu%7C40a20a5a12e348fb86bc08d9d6e3c91d%7C990436a687df491c91249afa91f88827%7C0%7C0%7C637777096104095060%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=IH9lbNM9u4eiKetvFZ9lemhBjN%2FoXgRXN3KDRcuJO%2FQ%3D&reserved=0> portal. Proposals on topics relevant to linguistic anthropology are invited for both the in-person/hybrid and virtual tracks, with a submission deadline of 11:59 pm Monday, February 14. Special attention will be given to proposals addressing the (still) acutely relevant theme of “Future Imperfect: Language in Times of Crisis and Hope.” Full details about the call for updates and new submissions as well as other important conference information can be found on the SLA Spring 2022 Conference webpage<http://linguisticanthropology.org/blog/meetings/2020-spring-conference-society-linguistic-anthropology/>. If you have any questions, please contact SLABoulder at gmail.com<mailto:SLABoulder at gmail.com>.

Kira Hall, Professor (she)
Departments of Linguistics and Anthropology
University of Colorado Boulder
Office hours: By appointment only
Zoom Room: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/my/kirahall

Co-editor, Gender and Language<https://journal.equinoxpub.com/index.php/GL/index>
Director, Program in Culture, Language, and Social Practice<https://www.colorado.edu/program/clasp/>
Director, The Literacy Practicum<https://www.colorado.edu/linguistics/literacy-practicum>
Advisory Board of Directors, ASSETT<https://www.colorado.edu/assett/>

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