[Gala-l] CFP: 28th Lavender Languages and Linguistics Conference, University of Catania, 23-25 May 2022

Scott Burnett scott.burnett at ait.gu.se
Thu Jan 20 07:55:45 UTC 2022

We're delighted to announce that the Call for Papers for the 28th Lavender Languages and Linguistics Conference is now out. The international conference will be held in Catania (Italy), May 23-25, 2022. Please, find attached the CfP for more information and visit the website to know more about the conference: http://www.lavlang28.unict.it/

The Lavender Languages and Linguistics conference has an intense and fruitful commitment towards investigating language use and representation concerning lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, heterosexual, and/or queer life, as well as language and sexuality more broadly. The conference supports a broad idea of "language" which encompasses all areas of semiosis, including pronunciation, lexical choice, grammar, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, (critical) discourse analysis, and the analysis of communication in various text genres, modes (spoken, written, signed, multimodal, non-verbal) and media. Historical, literary, cultural and descriptive studies are also welcomed, as are performance-centred presentations and poster displays. The I-LanD Research Centre, therefore, invites submissions of abstracts, hoping to see you all there!

The conference will be held in the Benedictine Monastery of "San Nicolò"<http://www.monasterodeibenedettini.it/en/>. The monastery is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It hosts the Department of Arts and Humanities<http://www.disum.unict.it/> of the University of Catania.<https://www.unict.it/en> Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the 28th Lavender Languages and Linguistics conference will be held both online and on-site.

We would appreciate any help you might be able to offer in sharing the attached CfP with others who might be interested. Thank you very much.

Scott Burnett
IGALA Communications Officer

Associate Senior Lecturer in Communications
Department of Applied IT
Gothenburg University
scott.burnett at ait.gu.se<mailto:scott.burnett at ait.gu.se>

Latest publication: "The Battle for NoFap” (2021)<https://doi.org/10.1177/1097184X211018256>
Profiles: Google Scholar<https://scholar.google.co.za/citations?user=mmPM2PEAAAAJ&hl=en> / University of Gothenburg<https://www.gu.se/en/about/find-staff/eeda657d-77cb-4b32-91c9-f0768a00175f>

Scott Burnett
Associate Senior Lecturer in Communications
Department of Applied IT
Gothenburg University
scott.burnett at ait.gu.se<mailto:scott.burnett at ait.gu.se>

Latest publication: "The Battle for NoFap” (2021)<https://doi.org/10.1177/1097184X211018256>
Profiles: Google Scholar<https://scholar.google.co.za/citations?user=mmPM2PEAAAAJ&hl=en> / University of Gothenburg<https://www.gu.se/en/about/find-staff/eeda657d-77cb-4b32-91c9-f0768a00175f>

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