[Gala-l] AILA 17-Jul-2023 - 21-Jul-2023 (Lyon, France): Symposium "Queer Applied Linguistics - Potential and Limits" (second announcement)

Stegu, Martin Martin.Stegu at wu.ac.at
Tue May 31 08:57:31 UTC 2022

Martin Stegu
Department of Foreign Language Business Communication
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU)
Vienna University of Economics and Business

Queer Applied Linguistics: Potential & Limits (AILA 2023)
Short Title: AILA 2023 (Symp62)

Date: 17-Jul-2023 - 21-Jul-2023
Location: Lyon, France
Contact: Martin Stegu
Contact Email: martin.stegu at wu.ac.at<mailto:martin.stegu at wu.ac.at>
Meeting URL: https://aila2023.sciencesconf.org/browse/author?authorid=952106

Linguistic Fields: Queer Linguistics ; Applied Linguistics ; Queer Applied Linguistics ; Folk Linguistics

Symposium Description

About 20 years ago – after and in addition to Feminist / Gender / Gay & Lesbian and Lavender Linguistics – the term “Queer Linguistics” (QL) also began to gain more and more acceptance. QL contains elements from the previously mentioned “subdisciplines” but goes beyond them and takes a heteronormativity-critical position – known from general queer studies – and examines how heteronormativity is expressed in and by language and discourse, but also how it can be overcome (at least linguistically). It further appears that the mentioned norm-critical attitude has a potential that can also go beyond the criticism of the assumed superiority of heterosexual desire.

On the one hand, there are many possible connections to applied linguistic concerns, e.g., the avoidance of discriminatory communication and respect for diversity (an aspect also mentioned in the welcome address of this conference). On the other hand, already due to the poststructuralist heritage and also many other factors, the issues raised in queer theoretical and queer linguistic discussions still seem to be very far away from (and at first glance hardly compatible with) most of the still prevailing folk conceptions of sex/gender and sexuality and the discourses related to them.

If we see it as a main task of Applied Linguistics to mediate between folk and academic language-related theories and views, we should ask more precisely which special functions Queer Applied Linguistics could take over with such an agenda: For which concrete "real world problems" would applied approaches of Queer Linguistics be useful? What kinds of solutions could or should they offer? How can the often very abstract queer theoretical concepts be translated into the everyday world experiences of "lay people"?

The symposium has two aims: to deal with basic questions of existing or possible points of contact and overlaps between Queer and Applied Linguistics and to discuss interesting examples from concrete fields of application.

Contributions can also be given in the other conference languages (French, Spanish or German, but the accompanying slides should be in English (or bilingual with English).


Motschenbacher, Heiko / Stegu, Martin (2013): „Queer Linguistic approaches to discourse“, in: Motschenbacher, Heiko / Stegu, Martin (eds.): Special Issue on Queer Linguistics [Discourse & Society 24.5], Los Angeles, Sage, 519-535.

Stegu, Martin (2021): „Queere Linguistik: Potenzial, Probleme, Grenzen“, in: Muttersprache 131 (2), 159-171.

Wilton, Antje / Stegu, Martin (2011): „Bringing the’ folk‘ into applied linguistics: An introduction“, in: AILA Review 24 (2011), 1-14

We are welcoming abstracts for individual papers (20-minute presentation and 10-minute discussion) for the symposium on "Queer Applied Linguistics: Potential & Limits“ at the AILA World Congress 2023 in Lyon.

Proposals should be 500 words maximum and must follow the AILA style sheet; please note that the language of the symposium will be English. Full submission instructions can be found on the website: https://aila2023.fr/call-for-papers. All authors whose submissions are accepted will have to make a recording of their presentation before the conference (because of the planned hybrid character of the whole conference); this video will be put online on the dedicated platform. However, there will be room for face-to-face as well as online discussion. For now, the online submission platform is still not available yet, but it will be in the next few weeks. If you are interested in this symposium, you are free to prepare an abstract in the meantime, cf. the website mentioned above. In any case, proposals should be submitted via the central platform; however, since the submission process is still dragging on a bit, I (Martin Stegu) would be pleased if potentially interested participants would also contact me directly by mail to gain an initial overview. I will of course also be happy to answer any questions concerning the symposium.

Submission deadline: June 26, 2022

Symposium coordinator: Martin Stegu (martin.stegu at wu.ac.at)

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