[Gala-l] Translation into English of "Gender, Language and Politics. The Non-Sexist Language in Debate"

ann coady anncoady at gmail.com
Sun Sep 18 14:40:23 UTC 2022

Dear all,

You may be interested in the translation into English of the collection
entitled "Gender, Language and Politics. The Non-Sexist Language in Debate"
published in the French journal "Les Cahiers du genre" in 2020.

Based on recent controversies, this collection brings together
contributions from different disciplines and questions the mobilizations
around the use of non-sexist language in several countries. By shedding
light on the political and social conditions of the emergence of these
public debates, it shows that they reactivate the divide between supporters
and opponents of the transformation of gender norms. It thus highlights the
agonistic dimension of language.
All the contributions are freely accessible online via the following link:

Cahiers du Genre 2020/2 (No 69)
Gender, language and politics. Non-sexist language in debate
All the best,
Ann Coady.
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