[IGALA] VACANCY: Book Reviews Editor - Gender & Language

Burnett, Scott scott.burnett at psu.edu
Thu Apr 6 18:12:18 UTC 2023

Dear IGALA members

Gender and Language, the journal of the International Gender and Language Association (IGALA), is published by Equinox and has been running since 2007. It is the only scholarly journal to offer an international forum for research on and debates about feminist, queer, trans, and nonbinary research on language, gender, and sexuality. It showcases research on femininities and masculinities, on heterosexual and queer identities, on gender at the level of individual performance or perception and on gender at the level of institutions and ideologies.

The journal encourages debate about the implications of different definitions of gender and different approaches to analyzing the production and interpretation of texts and speech, and aims to foster interdisciplinary dialogue. For further information on the journal, please see https://journal.equinoxpub.com/GL/about.

The position is a three-year term (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2026), which starts at the end of the current editor's term.

Gender and Language’s current editors are Rodrigo Borba, Kira Hall, and Mie Hiramoo; and Federica Formato is its current book reviews editor. Dr. Formato will step down in 2023.

IGALA is thus looking for a new Book Reviews Editor who will continue the outstanding work of the current editor.

The Journal Co-editors and Book Reviews Editor posts are elected by IGALA members. The posts run for a period of 3 years, and are renewable* for another 3 years. The last 6 months of the term are spent working with the newly elected Editors. (*The posts may be renewed once only, and require approval from the IGALA Board 6 months before the end of the first term).

Job description: Book Reviews Editor

- Identifying new and recent publications for review
- Liaising with publishers to arrange review copies, as well subscriptions to catalogues and mailing lists that may assist in identifying publications for review
- Identifying suitable reviewers for titles
- Liaising with reviewers regarding deadlines, progress of reviews, etc.
- Reviewing/sub-editing submitted reviews and making decisions on publication
- Liaising with reviewers regarding decisions
- Administration between acceptance and the copyediting process
- Sending copies of published reviews to publishers

Selection criteria for book review editor position:
- Broad knowledge of research in language, gender, and sexuality
- Experience with research and scholarly journal
- An understanding of the aims of the journal and the association
- Strong organizational skills, ability to manage projects, timeliness
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills; ability to work with others
- A compelling vision for the journal’s future

Interested candidates should send their CV and a statement of interest in the position and vision for the journal by 1 June 2023 to Claire Maree (cmaree at unimelb.edu.au) and Denise Troutman (troutma1 at msu.edu) with “Book Review Editor Post for Gender and Language” as the subject header.

Yours sincerely,
Scott Burnett
Communications Officer: IGALA

Scott Burnett (he/him)
Assistant Professor of African Studies and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
The Pennsylvania State University
scott.burnett at psu.edu
Sparks 015H


AFR<https://africanstudies.la.psu.edu/directory/skb6434/> / WGSS<https://wgss.la.psu.edu/people/skb6434/>
<https://www.genderandlanguage.com/>IGALA<http://genderandlanguage.com/> Communications Office
Google Scholar<https://scholar.google.co.za/citations?user=mmPM2PEAAAAJ&hl=en>

The Pennsylvania State University campuses are located on the original homelands of the Erie, Haudenosaunee (Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk, and Tuscarora), Lenape (Delaware Nation, Delaware Tribe, Stockbridge-Munsee), Shawnee (Absentee, Eastern, and Oklahoma), Susquehannock, and Wahzhazhe (Osage) Nations. Penn State’s ‘land grant’ was funded by the sale of land taken from 112 tribal nations in 50 land cessions across 16 states.

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