[IGALA] Call for Chapters: Carnal Languages - Interdisciplinary Issues in Sexual Communication

Piero Toto P.Toto at londonmet.ac.uk
Fri Apr 12 07:32:39 UTC 2024

Dear all,

We are currently seeking contributions for an edited volume on interdisciplinary issues in sexual communication, which will be under consideration with Palgrave Macmillan.

We are keen to receive contributions exploring how sexuality and desire manifest, along with their potential biases and resulting knowledge gaps, through practical methods and lived-experience testimonies from diverse backgrounds, such as: the translation of sexual terms across several loci of expression (e.g. audiovisual translation, literature, digital sexual health); sex work (in queer/non-queer media); discriminatory uses of language and censorship; ethnographic experiences concerning sex, gender and intimacy.

Please find the full call for chapters attached here and at the link below, and feel free to circulate it across your channels:


Thanks in advance for your attention.

Dr Piero Toto FHEA MCIL (he/lui)
Senior Lecturer in Languages (Translation) | Guildhall School of Business and Law

London Metropolitan University<https://www.londonmet.ac.uk/> | Room T3-08 Tower Building | 166-220 Holloway Road | London N7 8DB
T: +44 (0)20 7133 3802 | Advice & Feedback Hours (UG/PG): Mondays 17:00-18:00 by appt. via MS Teams
Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064317804393> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/LondonMet_TI>

The Faculty is a member of CIUTI<https://www.ciuti.org/> and the London Consortium for Routes into Languages<https://www.routesintolanguages.ac.uk/activities/london>.
London Metropolitan University is a limited company registered in England and Wales with registered number 974438 and VAT registered number GB 447 2190 51. Our registered office is at 166-220 Holloway Road, London N7 8DB. London Metropolitan University is an exempt charity under the Charities Act 2011. Its registration number with HMRC is X688.
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