[IGALA] Call for Papers: Queer Kinship: Affects, Families, Bonds, Siena 9-10 April 2024

Antosa, Silvia silvia.antosa at unistrasi.it
Sun Jan 14 17:38:43 UTC 2024

Dear all,

The international conference *Queer Kinship: Affects, Families, Bonds* aims
to open up a space for critical debate on these issues and to develop
interdisciplinary scholarly networks. It is the first of three conferences
on this theme that will be held in 2024-2025, in Siena (Italy), Birmingham
(UK) and Toronto (CA).

The three conferences constitute different stages of a research project on
affective bonds and queer families from an inter- and transdisciplinary
perspective, which seeks to identify emerging trends in cultural
representation, and to develop new methodologies for analysing
socio-cultural and discursive phenomena in a plural, multicultural and
inclusive optic.

Conference organisers:
Silvia Antosa (Università per Stranieri di Siena, IT)
Charlotte Ross (University of Birmingham, UK)
Paolo Frascà (University of Toronto, CA)

Conference languages: English and Italian
Abstract submissions: https://forms.gle/Jz1JYCNX5i1HiasL9
Deadline for abstract and/or panel proposals: 29 february 2024
Notification of acceptance: 5 march 2024

No registration fees. It is an in-person event.

The call for papers can be found here:

Best regards,
Silvia Antosa

Silvia Antosa (PhD)
Associate Professor of English
Director, Centre for Foreign Languages (CLASS
Università per Stranieri di Siena
P.zza Carlo Rosselli 27/28 - 53100 Siena, Italy
+39 0577 240380 / +39 366 5617499
Director of the Book Series *AngloSophia *(Mimesis)
Member, Queer Caucus of the American Association of Italian Studies (AAIS)
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