[IGALA] LGBTIQA+ inclusive and affirmative language teaching (languages of the Asian region)

Claire Maree cmaree at unimelb.edu.au
Thu Mar 7 06:04:32 UTC 2024

Dear colleagues,

I am currently looking to network with colleagues involved in creating/maintaining LGBTIQA+ inclusive and affirmative language teaching/learning spaces in languages from the Asian region.

Are you or any of your colleagues working in this area/on this topic?
Would you be interested in examining ways to collaborate, for example being part of an online workshop?
When: Monday June 3, 2024 University of Melbourne (with hybrid options)

The aim would be to learn/facilitate peer learning, garner awareness for this in the spaces and places we teach (and learn) in context appropriate ways, and to work towards possible resources sharing, research collaboration and so on.

We have created an International Network for Gender & Sexuality in Japanese Language Education (INGS-J<https://ingsjapanese.wordpress.com/>) @INGS_JLng<https://twitter.com/INGS_JLng>
At INFS-J we have held workshops and I would also love to connect with SIGS or networks for languages such as, for example, Korean, Chinese, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese, Arabic and so on.

Please do contact me at: cmaree at unimelb.edu.au


Dr Claire Maree | Professor  | Asia Institute<https://arts.unimelb.edu.au/asia-institute> | University of Melbourne
Research Coordinator | Asia Institute<https://arts.unimelb.edu.au/asia-institute> | University of Melbourne

Faculty Affiliate, Gender Studies Program<https://arts.unimelb.edu.au/asia-institute/discipline-areas/gender-studies>  | Faculty of Arts | University of Melbourne
Centre Associate, Melbourne Centre for Cities<https://sites.research.unimelb.edu.au/cities> | University of Melbourne

Coordinator, International Network for Gender & Sexuality in Japanese Language Education (INGS-J<https://ingsjapanese.wordpress.com/>) @INGS_JLng<https://twitter.com/INGS_JLng>
Past-President, International Gender and Language Association (IGALA<https://www.genderandlanguage.com/>)

Recent Publications:

  *   Nakane, Ikuko, Claire Maree and Michael Ewing (eds.). 2023. Discourses of Disruption: Creating and Contesting Meaning in the Time of COVID-19. Leiden: Leiden University Press.<https://www.lup.nl/publications/asian-studies/discourses-of-disruption-in-asia/>
  *   Maree, Claire (ed). 2023. Gender, the Environment and Migration: Safety and Belonging in and around Asia. Melbourne Asia Review, Edition 16.<https://melbourneasiareview.edu.au/gender-the-environment-and-migration-safety-and-belonging-in-and-around-asia/>
  *   Pan, Qiuping and Claire Maree (2023) ‘I Didn’t Realise There Are So Many of Them’: Ethnic Chinese Women in Civic Life in Australia, Asian Studies Review, DOI: 10.1080/10357823.2023.2220897 <https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10357823.2023.2220897>

Pronouns: -/her/-

I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which I work, and pay my respects to the Elders, past and present.
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