[IGALA] Call for papers: Lavender Languages and Linguistics Conference, 2025
Frazer Heritage
F.Heritage at mmu.ac.uk
Fri Feb 7 23:36:18 UTC 2025
Dear Colleagues,
I hope this email finds you well and for those of you teaching that the semester has kicked off to a good start!
With apologies for cross-posting, I am delighted to share the call for papers for this year's Lavender Languages and Linguistics Conference. The website for the conference this year is: https://lavlang2025.wordpress.com/ and the full call for papers is attached below:
---- call for papers ----
Lavender 31 is taking place at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK between 20-22 August 2025. The 31st iteration of the conference seeks to share research on language and sexuality, from its multiple perspectives.
We are delighted to invite you to contribute to this celebration by sharing your research with the lavender community, a friendly space for all researchers. If you are a graduate student, do not miss your opportunity to take part in the graduate session (see information below about how to submit your work in progress).
This is a conference that is meant to be face-to-face (we will continue to explore a hybrid option but at the moment we can only guarantee a face-to-face option).
All topics, theories and methodologies are welcome, showcasing the wide range of ways in which sexuality operates through and with language.
You can submit your abstract via EasyAbs here: https://easyabs.linguistlist.org/submit/Lavlang31/
Graduate session
Please follow the instructions at the end of this page.
Oral presentations – March 7th 2025 https://easyabs.linguistlist.org/submit/Lavlang31/
To submit an abstract for an oral presentation, please submit 500 words (references included) in a Word document, via EasyAbs by 7th March, 2025. Each person can submit one solo-authored paper and one co-authored paper. Each paper will be allocated 30 minutes (20 + 10 for Q&A).
Posters – March 7th 2025 https://easyabs.linguistlist.org/submit/Lavlang31/
The abstract for posters should be no longer than 400 words (reference included) and submitted via EasyAbs,
Panels – March 7th 2025
We also accept panel proposals, the panels should be 4-5 papers long, and have a specific theme (e.g. a theory, a method, a topic). For proposals, please do email them at lavlang2025 at gmail.com<mailto:lavlang2025 at gmail.com> by 7th March, 2025. Proposals should contain a 500-word (max) introduction to the panel and the abstract of each talk participating (see instructions for oral presentations). The panel proposals can contain the names of the organisers and the contributors.
Other formats – March 7th 2025
While at the moment we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate other formats (e.g. round tables, performances, workshops), we would like the Lavender community to have a space for creativity. Depending on space and timing, we will see what can be featured. Please send a 300-word (max) abstract via email at lavlang2025 at gmail.com<mailto:lavlang2025 at gmail.com> by 7th March, 2025.
Dates to remember
Submission deadlines:
* Notification of acceptance will be sent by early April, 2025.
* Conference dates: 20-22 August 2025
Call for papers: Student work-in-progress session
Please note, for this session, please DO NOT submit your abstract via EasyAbs. Please follow the specific instructions below.
Session summary
This session allows Masters and Doctoral students as well as advanced undergraduate students to discuss their research and academic plans with colleagues in a supportive forum. It is intended as an opportunity for students to receive constructive feedback which might inform their future research.
Who is this aimed at?
Presenters must currently be, or be planning to become, a graduate student working on a topic relevant to the Lavender Languages and Linguistics conference. This session is not intended for those ready to discuss projects that are near completion; those with data and some initial analysis should propose via the main conference stream (i.e. as a regular paper).
Presenters in this session may have recently determined their research questions and objectives but not yet decided on their methodology. Others may not yet have established their research questions or approach but know broadly what they want to do and how it will fill a gap in the field. Some may have begun to collect their data but will not have not yet explored it systematically.
Students in these situations will benefit from sharing their ideas with others, hearing about different approaches, and offering feedback to others. Though slots are limited to students only, established scholars in will also be present in the audience to share their thoughts and advice.
Please note: due to high demand for this session, abstracts cannot be accepted from speakers who are also intending to submit a regular paper to the conference or from previous presenters in this session.
How will it work?
Presenters will have 5 minutes to share their work-in-progress: there will not be time to lay out the background in detail or go into specifics. Instead, the aim is to offer brief highlights of the aims, the approach that might be/is being taken, and any very preliminary findings or observations. Presenters are welcome to use slides/visual aids, but this is not a pre-requisite of participation in the session. Each presentation will be followed by a 5-minute informal discussion session with the audience.
If you would like to present your research ideas, please email lavlang2025 at gmail.com<mailto:lavlang2025 at gmail.com> by 10th March, 2025 with a Word document containing the following:
* Your project’s working title
* Your name, email address, the university where you are a graduate student, name of degree and program as well as your current year of study (1st year, 3rd year, etc.)
* A 150-word (max.) abstract detailing:
* The intended aims and objectives of your project
* Your likely/actual methodological approach
* The likely stage of your research by the time of the conference (e.g. if you will be establishing your methodology, beginning data collection, starting your analysis, etc.)
Participation will be confirmed by email during April 2025
With the very warmest of wishes,
Dr Frazer Heritage, SFHEA
Senior Lecturer in Linguistics
Department of Languages, Information and Communications,
Manchester Metropolitan University
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