[gothic-l] Re: Ic. "Bill" & Relevance

keth at ONLINE.NO keth at ONLINE.NO
Thu Jun 8 18:53:49 UTC 2000

>> To most Scandinavians "bil" probably appears as a word with only
>> one meaning (as car), but there are some older meanings attached
>> to the word. These older meanings may however be differentiated
>> from the new meaning (car) by using variant spellings. Thus in
>> New Norse we have bild/bil = iron used to let blood; sword
>> penis.
>I have never seen it being spelled "bil", only "bild".
Look in "Norsk ordbok".
>> And bel/bil = a small space or a piece of something or a
>> short span of time.
>This word belongs to a different gender, neutrum.

True. Which underlines my point, that there is hardly
any confusion of bil m. with other words.

>> We also have the word "kjerre" (= a car), but this now only
>> has the meaning of a vehicle that is either handdrawn or
>> by an animal.
>Oh no, "kjerra" can indeed mean "car". "Vogn" on the other hand, can
>never mean "car", opposite of German.

Well, maybe if you are from Oslo. But in any case, it
would be derogatory, like "den skranglekassa der".
[it is not in "RiksmÄlsordboken" but in more recent dictionaries
it is referred to as a joke (skjemt)]


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