[gothic-l] The Langobards on Gotland

keth at ONLINE.NO keth at ONLINE.NO
Tue Nov 21 01:39:20 UTC 2000

I found out from perusal of Paulus Diaconus "The History
of the Langobards" that "Wotan" is supposed to have been honoured
by all peoples of Germania as a god, but that it was a "long
time ago but not in Germania, but in Greece".
                                         (Hist. Lang. § 9)

Since "Greece" in the time of Paulus Diaconus indicated
Byzantium, which was where the the ancient city of Troy lay,
this would constitute another confirmation of Snorri's
information that Odin originally came from "Asia".
(Aesir as "men from Asia" - probably Asia minor)

Saxo Grammaticus who wrote "The History of the Danes" around
1200, was already familiar with "The History of the Langobards"
and mentions Paulus Diaconus by name. He identifies the island
on which the Langobards used to live, while they still called
themselves "Winniles", as Gotland. (see "The History of the Danes"
by Saxo Grammaticus, Book IIX)


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