[gothic-l] Re: Basque==Visigoths ???

Axeage axeage at HOTMAIL.COM
Sun Oct 1 16:39:18 UTC 2000

Hmmm... interesting idea and very probable. I've heard a few times
that the basques had some contact with the vikings. Another thing
that I'm reminded of (Although I don't know about the Basque
connection) is Sancho IV "El Fuerte" - who won the battle against the
Moors at Las Navas de Tolosa in 1212. Supposably this guy was huge
and stood almost 7 feet(210 cm), he may have been a goth.

> Then, the Basque nationalistics politicians are all day saying :
> - Our RH is RH-, our blood is different.
> - Our skulls are different
> (they say this any day any time).

The basques genetic "pecularities" may not have all that much to do
with them not being "Indo-European" as oppossed to what is called
genetic drifts (changes in the the allele frequencies that frequently
occur in small isolated groups[AKA: cousin marrying cousin!!!]

> BTW, current Basque politicians claim to be "free of any
>indoeuropean blood" (nobody can believe that, honestly).

That's pretty funny. I can guarantee you that the Basques are 100%
indo-europeans ;)even if their language is not (just like the finns,
estonians, and hungarians)

> In fact, many of the points of Basque nationalism seem extracted
>from "Reconquista" period (10 centuries ago). They say that the rest
>of Spanish people are "arabs" or "moors", they claim to be pure
>blood,and first nationalists claimed to be "more" Spanish than
>Spanish themselves.

This is even funnier! I too have heard many, many basques refer to
the Castilians and Andausians as "Moros". The Catalans are the same
way, with their saying "Africa begins at the Ebro"


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