R: [gothic-l] Reconstructing "Breath"

Giuseppe Pagliarulo g.pagliarulo at TIN.IT
Sat Oct 14 08:59:01 UTC 2000

Matthaius melida:

Does anyone have any clues on how to reconstruct the Gothic word for
"breath"? Of Greek "pneon" there are only a few instances in the NT,
without Gothic translation. Though pneuma is translated "ahma", I
doubt that
it would be the same word. I thought the noun "breath" must come from
*an-an- "to breathe" perhaps.


Us-anan sv6 "to expire" is indeed attested. The same *an- root, with
the addition of the Germanic *-d morpheme (< PIE *-t), yields PGmc
*and- whence ON andi~ond (with "o caudata") "(life-giving) breath".
What about *andi or *andw?

Iosef Strawarila
                               Iþ gamain mis ist,
  hvaþro afleiþau; jainaþ auk aftra qima. (Parmainides)

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