[gothic-l] Re: Germanic History List

Tim O'Neill scatha at BIGPOND.COM
Tue Oct 31 03:10:28 UTC 2000

--- In gothic-l at egroups.com, "B. Gendler" <gendler at p...> wrote:

> In summary and closing, I think that those of you who
> felt the idea of a Germanic history list was a good idea
> should also subscribe to Mark's list
> (www.egroups.com/group/EuropeanArchaeology)
> and we shall carry out of bounds discussions there.

European archaeology is a pretty broad subject.  While that list
certainly looks worthy of support, wouldn't a specifically Germanic
list be better suited to our purposes?  We would be discussing much
more than archaeology, but our focus is much narrower than 'Europe'.
so it strikes me that list is both too narrow and too broad for our

I feel we should do one of three things:
(i) continue broader discussions of early Germanic history etc here
(ii) start a new list
(iii) support a specifically Germanic history oriented forum which
already exists - such as the one established by Irish Krammner which
I mentioned in my last post.

Tim O'Neill

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